How to Reduce Weighbridge Errors and Improve Accuracy?

Weighbridges are essential for an accurate estimation of large trucks and their loads. Despite how accurate they are, at certain events, these weighbridges seem not to be working well. So, what can be done to reduce weighbridge errors? Well, here are some easy measures to reduce mistakes and improve your weighing system's accuracy.

Proper installation and maintenance:

To avoid interference, make sure the electronic weighbridge is properly fastened and isolated. The second thing you can try is that without causing harm, you can clean sensitive load cells regularly. To maintain the proper spacing, check the clearances for pit weighbridges.

System Upgrades for Enhanced Performance:

If you operate a weighbridge, think about adding more sophisticated features like data management tools and intelligent vehicle recognition. To prevent errors brought on by outside forces like wind, shock loading, vibration, and temperature variations, transmit just the weight force. It is advised to hire a cleaning professional after the rainy season.

Understanding Load Cells:

For precision, choose a high-quality load cell and validate that the load cell specs meet the needs of your weighing system. Be mindful of response time, temperature effects, creep, non-repeatability, and nonlinearity.

Loading goods correctly:

Position loads by the manufacturer's guidelines for the weighbridge. Consider load cells stay at the desired level and on the same plane by properly aligning load points. 

Environmental Considerations:

Pay attention to outside influences such as temperature fluctuations, vibration, shock loading, and wind. To reduce the impact of vibration, isolate the weighbridge.

Signal Transmission Monitoring:

Make sure the weight controller is just measuring the electrical data by keeping an eye on the load cells. Use insulated wires to protect load cells and prevent moisture from getting inside the junction box, as this can compromise the accuracy of the signal.

Final Advice:

To protect against outside forces that could affect the accuracy of your weighing, be mindful of environmental and electrical conditions and consider that everything is installed and operated with care. However, professionals at do all necessary checks before supplying the weighbridge. In case you run into some problems, you can ask the weighbridge supplier company for help.


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